Flight Planning
The 2024 video below, created by pilot Wayne McClelland, is a comprehensive overview of what to expect in preparation for your first flight ‘South of the Border’. Well done and ‘Mil Gracias’ Wayne for sharing with Club Pilotos of Mexico.
Here’s a ’30 Day Free Offer’ which will make your filings and procedures easier when flying to and from Mexico. Thank-you Steve Blythe for offering this to ‘Club Piloto’ pilots.
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With the various complexities of completing eAPIS for both Mexico and the USA, plus the new AFAC (Mexico’s FAA) requirement for advance (2 day) filing of flight plan, aircraft and other information, we suggest that you consider a 30-day free usage of specific software to meet all of your needs when flying to Mexico from a foreign county.
If you are a ‘Club Pilotos of Mexico’ Capitan, just send Jim Swickard an email requesting the Password to access this software!
Plus, there is free data storage for later flights which will minimize your preparatory workload in the future. Here’s additional information from Club Piloto member Steve Blythe.
We support Commercial (APIS) and Private (APGA) Sender IDs and eAPIS Filing for the USA & Mexico !
USA DHS/Customs eAPIS filing direct to DHS servers with Immediate Confirmation.
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Mexico eAPIS filing via Excel Form – Emailed to Mexico City and Local AOE.
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- Upload Documents for NEW (2024) Multi-Entry 2 days Prior with Download or email to Mexico City and Local AOE.
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- Print All your international flight plan documents for Mexico and Bahamas, Arrival, International Flight Plans, Landing documents, Passenger & Crew Listing.
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- Import Crew or PAX lists from Excel for Part 135 flights.
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- Supports XML for Private Aircraft (APGA) & UNEDIFACT for Commercial (APIS).
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- Information Fact Sheets for all USA Customs Ports of Entry, including Phone, Email and Hours of Operation.
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- Links to Best Practices and all current documents for USA eAPIS regulations and procedures.
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- Links to Best Practices and all current documents for Canada and the Bahamas regulations and procedures.
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- CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW FOR INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT PLAN FILING (Password Required: ‘Club Piloto’ members contact Jim Swickard at jnswick@aol.com for the password)
.CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THE 2024 MEXICAN IMMIGRATION MANIFEST FORM. This is now required for GA flights listing those aboard, etc.
Alamos Airport Fees? XALA has no landing fee, however the nightly rate to park on the ramp is $400.00 Pesos. IF, as a Club Piloto member you use the Club’s hangar the rate (regardless of the number of nights) is only $400.00 Pesos. Stay for a ‘Reunion of five days, still only $400.00 Pesos when you depart.
USA Notification MANDATORY Reminder:
Don’t forget to notify U.S. Customs (at the appropriate Port of Entry number) BEFORE Leaving Mexico.
They need your ‘N’ number and ETA. Here are some of the telephone contact numbers:
Nogales 520-287-1410
Tucson 520-799-8348
Yuma 928-941-8419
Calexico 760-357-1208
Coordinates XALA ?
N27 02’09”
W108 56’53”
Reunion video by ‘Capitan Alberto Morales’ from 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUsS3CiHhus